Bridge Studios to Open 36 Sound Stages in Vancouver, British Columbia – Beginning 2023

October 18, 2022

VANCOUVER, CANADA – Bridge Studios, owners of the first dedicated studio facility in Vancouver, is slated to build 23 new sound stages over the next few years in the city of Burnaby, British Columbia, directly neighboring Vancouver. This new construction will bring the total number of sound stages operated by Bridge Studios to 36.

Providing best-in-class production services for all productions filming at Bridge Studios.

Since 1987, the Bridge Boundary Road studio site has hosted over 1,000 productions, including the original MacGyver, Once Upon a Time, and Stargate television series and films such as Ju-manji, Legends of the Fall, and First Blood (Rambo). As part of its expansion, Bridge Studios has entered into an exclusive partnership with MBS Equipment Company (MBSE), the world’s largest studio-based supplier of lighting and grip equipment.  MBSE will enhance Bridge Studios’ already client-focused offerings by providing best-in-class production services for all productions filming at Bridge Studios.

Bridge Studios has entered into a partnership with MBS Equipment Company (MBSE).

“With 36 sound stages up and operating within the next four years, the City of Burnaby and British Columbia will be an undisputed leader for filming outside of Hollywood,” said Ron Hrynuik (HER-NIK), General Manager at Bridge Studios. “With favorable exchange rates, synced time zone with Los Angeles, and bankable Canadian tax credits, Bridge Studios is the natural ‘go-to’ choice for film and TV production along the West Coast of Canada. Additionally, our relationship with MBSE aligns with our top tier facilities and services.”

“With favorable exchange rates, synced time zone with Los Angeles, and bankable Canadian tax credits, Bridge Studios is the natural ‘go-to’ choice for film and TV production.” – Ron Hrynuik, General Manager of Bridge Studios

The new studios will be housed at Griffiths (three sound stages on five acres, opening in 2023), and Lake City (20 sound stages on 18 acres, opening in 2025).

The new construction will include facilities with 50-foot-high stages, ranging from 9,000 to over 40,000 square feet with ample onsite parking. All Bridge facilities are “fossil fuel free facilities” operating off hydro-electricity. The city of Burnaby is located 30 minutes from Vancouver Inter-national Airport and 15 minutes from downtown Vancouver.

“We are excited to partner with Bridge Studios as it expands its footprint,” said Michael Newport, Executive Vice President at The MBS Group, the parent company of MBSE. “This modern sound stage development further cements the industry’s central role in Burnaby’s economy and elevates British Columbia’s value proposition as a sophisticated, global industry hub.”

“We are excited to partner with Bridge Studios as it expands its footprint.” – Michael Newport, Executive VP at The MBS Group.

British Columbia’s film and TV production hit new highs in the past few years, generating a record $4.8 billion in direct spending in 2021. Currently, Vancouver ranks as the 3rd largest film & TV production center in North America and over the last decade, the film and TV production industry has collectively invested over $30.9 billion into the provincial economy.

A 2021 report released by Deloitte revealed a major shortage in sound stage supply in major production hubs like Los Angeles, Toronto, and London. Demand for sound stage space has increased dramatically over the last two years, and most locations are operating at a near-100% capacity. British Columbia’s capacity for expansion will provide much-needed relief to the industry struggling to keep up with the demand from content creators.

Bridge Studios – Boundary – Click to view details

Bridge Studios – Griffiths – Click to view details

Bridge Studios – Lake City – Click to view details

Media Contact

Ron Hrynuik
[email protected]

About The Bridge Studios

The Bridge Studios, Vancouver’s first dedicated studio facility, is located on 15 acres of land on what was formerly part of the Dominion Bridge bridge-building plant. In 1987, the site was re-novated to create a permanent studio facility to ensure British Columbia had a stable base of operations for film production. Since then, the studio has hosted more than one thousand film and television productions. For more information, details and renderings of new facilities please visit:

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